Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Presenting the Witnesses of the Day of Judgment

Allah will assemble witnesses on nations and on individuals. Allah will make this ummah witness on others. Allah will send witnesses against us – our hands, feet, tongue will speak about the sins we committed.

Nuh will be the witness against his nation. He will say that he presented the truth to them, but they rejected it. Abu Sa’eed narrated that Allah’s Apostle said, “Noah and his nation will come (on the Day of Resurrection and Allah will ask (Noah), ‘Did you convey (the Message)?’ He will reply, ‘Yes, O my Lord!’ Then Allah will ask Noah’s nation, ‘Did Noah convey My Message to you?’ They will reply, ‘No, no prophet came to us.’ Then Allah will ask Noah, ‘Who will stand a witness for you?’ He will reply, ‘Muhammad and his followers (will stand witness for me).’ So, I and my followers will stand as witnesses for him (that he conveyed Allah’s Message).” That is, (the interpretation) of the Statement of Allah: ‘Thus we have made you a just and the best nation that you might be witnesses Over mankind …’ (2:143).” [Bukhaari, 4/55/555]

The people of Nuh will say to the Muslims, “How do you know? You weren’t there.” The Muslims will say, “We received it in the book of Allah (the Qur’an).”

Then, Allah will make Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam a witness against us. “And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. [...]” (2:143)

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