Monday, December 10, 2012

People of Jannah will Inherit from the People of Hell

In Bukhaari, RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam says that the majority of the population of Jannah will be from du’aafaa` – the weak. He says, “Shall I tell you of the people of Paradise? They shall comprise of every poor, humble person. And if he swears by Allah to do something, Allah will fulfil it. Whereas, the people of the fire comprise every violent, cruel person.” The poor people, in general, tend to be humble because they don’t have a lot of wealth to distract them. They tend to be more attached to the good deeds than other – in general. They tend to make up the lion’s share of the people of Jannah.

Money in itself has nothing to do with where the person will end up. It has to do with where they use the money. If they use it properly, they will have a higher status than the poor because of that added sacrifice. Of the ten promised Jannah, one can assume that the majority of them were considered to be among the wealthy of the Sahabah – Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmaan, ‘Ali, ‘AbdurRahman Ibn ‘Auf.

The problem is when the weakness of the human being takes over and money tempts and seduces them. Since the poor don’t have all of these temptations, they tend to be closer to Allah. Plus, when a person has a lot of wealth, which usually translates to power – you have access to things others do not have. This person would feel self-sufficient, and they would feel that they don’t need help from others – especially from Allah. And that is what Qarun said.

RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam says that Allah knows what is best for His creation. For some people, wealth is good for them; if they were poor that would corrupt them. And vice versa is true as well. This is true for health and illness as well.

Allah says: “This is the Paradise which you have been made to inherit because of your deeds which you used to do (in the life of the world).” (43:72)

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