Friday, May 18, 2012

Who are the ones that are saved from the punishment of the grave

The shuhadaa

The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “There are seven qualities for the shaheed: 

1. He would be forgiven with the first drop of blood that comes from his body; 
2. He would see his place in paradise; 
3. He would be saved from the punishment of the grave; 
4. He would be saved from the fear of the most fearful day; 
5. The crown of tranquility will be placed on his head – one emerald in it is worth the world and everything in it; 
6. He would be married to 72 hoor al ‘ayn; 
7. He would be given shafa’aa (intercession) for 70 of his relatives.”

One of the sahabah said, “O RasulAllah, how come the believers go through the trials of the grave, but the shaheed doesn’t?” The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “The shining of the swords over his head is enough of a fitna for him.” When you see death in every moment, during battle, that is enough fitna for him. So Allah will give him pleasure and tranquillity to him.

Al muraabit

They are the soldier who is positioned in a station away from home, guarding the Muslims, waiting for instructions to fight. It comes from rabat – when you tie something. Al muraabit is someone who is tied to that post – they cannot leave. That guard/soldier has to guard day and night. It is a very difficult job. Because of that, Allah gives him a special reward. The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Everyone’s deeds would be terminated they die, except for the one who dies as a muraabat. Allah would continue his deeds for him, and they would keep growing until the day of judgement, and he would be saved from the punishment of the grave.”

Those who die on Friday

In a hasan hadith, “Any Muslim who dies on Friday, Allah will save him from the punishment of the grave.”

May Allah subhaana wa ta’aala protect us, our families and all of the Muslims from the punishment of the grave. Ameen.

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