Thursday, June 21, 2012

Where will Ad-Dajjal Reach?

All over the world except Makkah and Madinah.

His Fitna

RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said that nothing from the time Adam was created until akhirah is a greater fitna than ad-dajjaal. Hudhaifa and Ibn Mas’ud met together. Hudhaifa said: I know more than you as to what there would be along with the Dajjal. There would be along with him two canals (one flowing with water) and the other one (having) fire (within it), and what you would see as fire would be water and what you would see as water would be fire. So he who amongst you is able to see that and is desirous of water should drink out of that which he sees as fire. [Muslim, B.41, #7013]

RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said they would be two rivers. He says that one of the rivers has white water flowing and the other has fire. If you ever live to his time, close your eyes and throw yourself in the river of fire, for it is really cold water.

One day, RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam talked about the ad-dajjaal so much, we thought that he was just outside of Madinah. When we went to go meet RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, he knew that. He felt that we were worried. RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “What’s wrong with you?” They said, “You have talked about him so much – up and down- that he thought that he’s next to the palm trees of Madinah.” RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “If he comes out and I am with you, then I’ll take care of him for you. If he comes out and I am not with you, then everybody is responsible for himself. And I ask Allah to protect every Muslim. He’s a young man and one of his eyes is bulging out. If you ever live to his time and see him, read on him the first ayah of surah al-Kahf.” That is the protection.

Abu Darda’ reported Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: “If anyone learns by heart the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal.” [Muslim, B.4, #1766]

RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said that he will come out between ash-Shaam and Iraq, and he will corrupt the whole world, right and left. Then RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, he will stay on earth for 40 days. One day is like a year; one day is like a month; one day is like a week and then the rest of his days are like your regular days.

RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…. “He would appear on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left. O servant of Allah! Adhere (to the path of Truth).” We said: “Allah’s Messenger, how long would he stay on the earth?” He said, “For forty days, one day like a year and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be like your days.” [SubhanAllah. Look at what the Sahabah ask next – RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is talking about ad-dajjaal; look at their concern for Salah!] We said: “Allah’s Messenger, would one day’s prayer suffice for the prayers of day equal to one year?” Thereupon he said: “No, but you must make an estimate of time (and then observe prayer).” We said: “Allah’s Messenger, how quickly would he walk upon the earth?” Thereupon he said: “Like cloud driven by the wind. [This is an expression that means he would travel very fast.]

“He would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. Then in the evening, their posturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. He would then come to another people and invite them. [Ad-dajjaal would have control over these worldly things, and people love the world, so that is the gate through which ad-dajjaal will come through; that is how he will deceive people.] But they would reject him and he would go away from them and there would be drought for them and nothing would be left with them in the form of wealth.

“He would then walk through the waste, land and say to it: Bring forth your treasures, and the treasures would come out and collect (themselves) before him like the swarm of bees. He would then call a person brimming with youth and strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and (make these pieces lie at a distance which is generally between the archer and his target). He would then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (with happiness) [This is the fitna of dajjaal – he has supernatural powers] ….. [Note: there is more to this hadith, if you want to look it up online] [Muslim, B.41, #7015]

I felt that this commentary really hit home; major eye opener: We should never underestimate the fitna of ad-dajjaal. The only way we would be able to recognize it is if we think about it in our terms. Think about salat ul-jama’ah (prayer in congregation). We miss a lot of them. Imagine if you got $50 for every salah you came to. Would the $50 attract you to the masjid or not? Here, we’re talking about only $50; ad-dajjaal will have the gold and silver of the world. If you follow him, he’ll give everything you want. If you don’t, he’ll take it from you. What is keeping us from jama’ah? It is the dunya. Allahu ‘Alam, it may be minimum wage, or even 10 or 20. If that small amount is sufficient to take us away from ibaadah, think about the time of ad-dajjaal. Ad-dajjaal will attract all of the ignorant and the ones with weak faith.

Allah’s Apostle told us a long narrative about Ad-Dajjal, and among the many things he mentioned, was his saying, “Ad-Dajjal will come and it will be forbidden for him to pass through the entrances of Medina. He will land in some of the salty barren areas outside Medina; on that day the best man or one of the best men will come up to him and say, ‘I testify that you are the same Dajjal whose description was given to us by Allah’s Apostle.’ Ad-Dajjal will say to the people, ‘If I kill this man and bring him back to life again, will you doubt my claim?’ They will say, ‘No.’ Then Ad-Dajjal will kill that man and bring him back to life. That man will say, ‘Now I know your reality better than before.’ [This has only made me more assured that you are ad-dajjaal.] Ad-Dajjal will say, ‘I want to kill him but I cannot.’” [Ad-dajjaal will try to kill him but will not be able to.] [Bukhaari 3/30/106]

This hadith is in Ibn Majah. Ad-dajjaal will bring a simple Bedouin, and he will tell him, “If I resurrect your father and mother, will you believe in me?” The Bedouin will say, “Yes.” Two devils will assume the personality and form of his father and mother. They will say to him, “O my son, follow him. He is your Lord!” Look at this fitna. What appears to be his father and mother are going to come and tell their son this! This is a great fitna.


  1. Thanks to narrate in details.

  2. Go to
    for much more.
